Highland High School
Salt Lake City
Class Of 1973
Official Site

Site FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
- How is my name/information included/excluded on/from the Classmate Profile list?
- Why am I listed as a 'Missing Classmate'? How do I get off that list!??
- What about third-party websites such as Classmates.com and alumniclass.com?
- How do I view profiles? How do I contact someone?
- Please add Pics to your Profile
- How can I help?
- If I'm not a '73 Classmate, but I attended HHS with all of you, can I get 'guest' access?
- How do I change my primary email address?
1. How is my name/information included/excluded on/from the Classmate Profile list? Starting with the 10-Year Reunion, we entered names from the graduation program and 1973 yearbook into a spreadsheet. We define the Class of 1973 as anyone who attended high school with us (1971-1973) and was in our class, even if they moved away or otherwise left before graduating. If your name is missing, use the 'Contact Us' link.
In the pre-Internet era, for reunions we had committee volunteers call (mostly your parents) for current contact information. We also used professionally published alumni directories. Now we primarily use the Internet to try to locate/verify your current address. Some classmates with common names are especially difficult to locate. We had a few email addresses from earlier reunions, but most people have changed email addresses over that period. We need everyone's help, including yours, to locate Missing Classmates - see How can I help? below.
2. Why am I listed as a 'Missing Classmate'? How do I get off that list!??
We couldn't find you on Internet searches or the flyer postcards we attempted to send you for previous reunions were returned as non-deliverable. Or perhaps you ignored the postcard you received. If you're reading this, we're glad you found us! By joining the Site by updating/activating your profile, your name will automatically be removed from the 'Missing' list and you'll receive Site notifications.
3. What about third-party websites such as Classmates.com and alumniclass.com?
We suggest you avoid them. This is the only 'official' website for our class. Third-party websites may look official and you may be tempted to join them, as a handful of our alumni have (for example, Classmates.com and alumniclass.com dba Highland High School Alumni). Those sites are both for-profit enterprises and both charge fees; we don't. Only the Class of 1973 resides here and we have complete control over content. Suggestions and feedback are always welcome-use the 'Contact Us' link at left.
4. How do I view profiles? How do I contact someone?
You must first 'join' the Site by updating your Classmate Profile. It's free and secure. After you do so, you will be able to log in to view other profiles (we've added old yearbook pictures to each) that have been added or updated since your last visit, initiate contact by using the 'Send a Private Message To..." link on registered classmate profiles and see other Site pages.
- Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
- Roll your cursor over the Master Photo, Then, or Now photo
- Click "Select Photo" displayed in the upper right corner of photo, then click the "Upload a New Photo" button.
- Select the desired photo from its location on your computer.
Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
Click on the box labeled 'Photos' in the upper right corner of your Profile.
A new "Photo Gallery" window will open. You will see any images previously uploaded here, including ones added to 'Master,' 'Then,' and 'Now' as described above. Click the "Upload a New Photo" button to add more.
Once uploaded, you need to click to select images you wish to display in your 'Photos' Gallery. All images with a green check mark will display. Click again to not display, and the green check mark will disappear.
Captions, Editing or Deleting Roll or hover over the upper right-hand corner of any image until a pencil icon appears-you should then see three options under the pencil:
Captions - Please add captions to your pictures (who? when? where?). Select "Edit Details." Enter your caption and press save. You can also come back later to edit or add captions.
Adjust Photo - A photo editor opens where you can enhance, resize or crop your photo
Delete - Allows you to remove photos from your Gallery
You can adjust the display order of your photos by simply dragging and dropping them into the positions of your choosing.
6. How can I help?
Help locate 'Missing Classmates,' who haven't joined/updated their profiles here. If you’re in touch or can track them down (are you Facebook / Instagram friends with them or a sibling?), please take the initiative to do so - you or someone you know may be the only connection back to them! In a class of around 600, just slightly more than one-half have joined and are receiving updates and notifications. Please contact that acquaintance and invite them to join us here at highland73.org! Thanks.
7. If I'm not a '73 Classmate, but I attended HHS with all of you, can I get 'guest' access?
We've had a handful of '71-'75 grads contact us for 'guest' access. If this applies to you, use the 'Contact Us' link to identify yourself and request login information.
8. How do I change my primary email address?
Under 'Member Funtions,' choose the 'Edit Contact Info' link.
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to use the 'Contact Us' link.