'Missing' Classmates

Help Us Find These Folks!  We don't have current contact information for them, so they currently don't receive any notifications or information emails from us. If you’re in touch or can track them down (are you Facebook/Instagram friends?), please take the initiative to do so - you may be the only connection back to them! Please contact them and invite them to join us here at highland73.org or highland73.com - thanks!

Note: as soon as a classmate updates their own profile and joins our Site, their name automatically drops off this list and they'll receive notifications.

Stephen P. Adams
Daniel E. Allington
Lynette Allred (Carlson)
Debra Lynn Andrews
Jacklynn Andrews
Patricia Backman (Cox)
Richard L. Backman
Alan Banks
Anne Barker (Whitlock)
Susan Barnes (Weiler)
Nancy Louann Barney (Holder)
Barbara Jean Barton
Debra Beck
Brian B. Bellamy
Suzanne Bengtzen (Turner)
Gary L. Bennett
Dave Bernson
Kim R. Betonney
Deborah Lynn Bickmore
Parnell Black
Lynn Blakemore
Jann Boogert (Lee)
Carole Bott (Tudor)
Debra Boulton
Susan Bridwell (Egan)
Margo Brinkerhoff (Bernard)
F. Paul Brooks
Robyn Brooks
Scott L. Broschinsky
Phillip W. Brown
Gordon R Brunts
Linda Bryan (Sabin)
Benita Burnett
Carol Buster (Bowler)
Steven U Buxton
Sheryl Dene Caldwell (Skowronek)
Mark H. Call
David R. Card
Lynn Carey (Austin)
Keith E. Cherti
Cathleen Child (Racine)
Dirk Christy
Laura Clark (Garner)
Patricia Clayton (Hunt)
Janet L. Coffman
Gary Collier
Thomas M. Constance
Michael C. Copfer
Roy Wayne Counts
Debbie L Cox
Sara Cox (Blood)
H. Brent Crandall
Vicki Criscola
William A. Crockett
Ann Cundick (Adams)
Mark Cunningham
Christopher N. Curtis
Anne Czarnik (Terry)
Susan Dahn (Pierce)
M. Craig Dalton
Katherine Darman (Leonard)
Claire Davey (Ellis)
Arthur W. Dimond Jr.
Susan Lee Dinse (Jarvis)
Valerie Jean Downing
Clark L. Dudley
Jeffrey S. Egan
Kenneth W. Egbert
Robin England (Cannon)
Annette English (Powell)
Patricia Farr
Robert P. Felt
Dave Fitzgerald
David J. Flinders
Shauna Flynn (Hepworth)
Anne Fortin (Otta)
John William Frandsen
Roberta Fredrickson (Hatch)
Norman H. Frey
Scott E. Fullmer
Jennifer Gaddis
Reed W. Gardner
Mark E. Ghicadus
Laurie Gibson (Hone)
Debbie Giles (Purdie)
Beverly Gloster
Dawna Jill Goalen (Laws)
Jack T. Golding
John R. Goodell
Patrice Gorham (Olson)
John Greco
Roger L. Greer
Shauna Lynn Griffeth
David B. Hagan
Debbie Halliday (Carey)
Rebecca Hammond (Black)
Lynda Harris (Patrick)
Holly Harrison
Don B. Hartman
Richard T. Haskins
Ranae Haslam (Randall)
Gordon L. Haycock
Jolene Heath (Bowers)
Paul C. Heiner
N. Dale Henrie
Cindy Herrick (Stroh)
Stewart Hewlett
Jody Higginson (Bjorndal)
Stephen H. Higgs
Wes L. Hillman
Nancy Holman
Kent Hornbeck
Trevia Jan Howard
Marsha Hunt (Buccambuso)
Suzanne Hunt (Sapienza)
Bruce D. Jackson
David Jeffrey Jacobsen
Janice Jacobsen
Christine B. Jensen
Kenneth Kaea
Clarice Kauffman (Bevans)
Patty Koenig (Talcott)
Robert F. Landivar
Janet Larson (Barrus)
Jennifer Lee (Crownover)
Robin Susan Lee
Steven Smith Lewis
Robert E. Liddle
Nils E. Lingwall Jr.
Robyn Linnell (Orhn)
Craig G. Lisonbee
Dennis V. Lloyd
Wendy Lords
Kathleen Lovato (Nelson)
Scott S. Love
Debra Madsen (Brown)
Eric L. Madsen
Keith D. Mahoney
Robin Barbara Marts
Susan Mason
Lynne Maxfield (Brace)
Joni McCallister (Williams)
Jeffrey H. McCann
Karen Meredith (Perry)
Teri Midgely (Ramsey)
Dan Miller
Sharon Miller (Foster)
Clara Cather Mitchell
Stefi Moll (Carpenter)
Steven F. Moon
Lavonne Moore
Claudia Morris (Sperling)
Mike Mortensen
Fred Brunn Myers
Jill Namba (Counts)
Karen Nielsen (Dunning)
Scott J. Noel
Christy Norton (Christiansen)
Pamela Nygren
Kevan E Olsen
Wendy Parker
Linda Payne (McKenzie)
Jeannette Peck
Tamra Lynn Peterson (Smith)
Scott Pistorius
Val W. Powell
Kathie Price (Tomlinson)
Sandy Price (Knight)
David B. Quinn
Elizabeth Radley (Box)
Craig M. Ramsey
John F. Reeves
Janice Rice (Womack)
Joseph B. Rimensberger
Ronald K. Robinson
Diane Rowley (Price)
Debbie Saley (Candrian)
Deborah Samuels (Norman)
Mark J. Sapitsky
Sherrie Satterfield (Smith)
Linda Schaffer (Gates)
Cynthia Schoenhardt
Diane Schroepfer (Andrus)
Jeffrey D. Sevy
Charles W. Shannon
Debra Shaw (Benzinger)
Geoffrey D. Silcox
Shauna Simpson (Smith)
Jean Skolmoski (Shurtliff)
Jolynn Slaughter (Eister)
Holly Jane Smith (Coats)
Stephan R. Smith
Thomas W Smith
Vicki Smith (Jackson)
William Earick Smith
William L. Smith Jr.
Michael W. Snelgrove
Richard H. Snelgrove
Lorie Snow (Burton)
Darwin D. Sorensen
William J. Stacey
Christopher M. Stephan
Linda Stirling (Van Fleet)
Gayle Stockslager
Robin Strong (Pace)
Sydney J Sudbury
Lani Summerhays (Firmage)
Margaret Sumsion
Teri Sweatfield (Adamson)
William C Taylor
Mark A. Terry
David M Thomas
Sharron Lyn Thompson
Diane Timmerman (Dyson)
Christine Timothy (Despain)
Janice Todd (Haynie)
Leigh P. Toole
Jon Turner
John Vreeke
Janet Wallace (Brand)
Hannah Wells
Julie Westwood
Carla White (Hess)
David L. Williams
Maridee Winn
Chris Woodward
Sylvia M Worden (Kemp)
Dana Wyss
Elizabeth Yeates (Bennion)
Jacqueline Zeyer (Winspear)

Guest Members

Kelly Murdock (Class Of '74)
Abbie Sharp (Class Of '72)