Susan Jackson Groesbeck

Profile Updated: May 19, 2023
Susan Jackson
Susan Jackson


Susan Jackson


Susan Jackson


Yes! Attending Reunion
Where do you live? Provo, UT USA
Spouse/Partner? Since what year? David W. Groesbeck (Married 1975)
Homepage: facebook: Sue Groesbeck
Occupation, or former occupation (when did you retire?): Homemaker, Grandmother, Nurse (not employed)
Children (Year born), # of grandchildren, if any: Amy Allen,77, (Jeff) mother of 5 in Lehi. teaches High School French; David,79, Patent Lawyer in Salt More…Lake (Marrying Allie Connie in June) They will have 9 children...including triplet boys) ; Todd,82 (Rosemary), Dentist in Provo, father of 5; Michelle Adams,85 (Joel), Nurse with 4 children; Rebbie,88 (Scott) has 2 boys, works for Bonneville Communications.
Places you've lived since high school, when?

Lived in Seattle for 2 years and relocated after my husband's Anesthesia Residency to Provo where we have been ever since.
We love it here.

What have you been up to since High School?

Graduated with my RN degree, worked for a few years. Then I followed my husband to Seattle for his training in Anesthesia.
We found a great little spot to raise a family in Provo. Living here has reminded me a lot of growing up in Salt Lake. We love the people, the close mountains, canyons, lakes and BYU and all it has to offer the community. When we first moved here there was only one nice restaurant. Now it is booming!!
We like this empty nest thing. It's like being a newly wed, only now we can afford to go out to dinner occasionally !
23 Grandchildren (2 already waiting for us in Heaven)

What do you like to do in your spare time? What lights you up?

Dave and I play lots of tennis and we take one biking trip to Europe every year. This year we are headed to Croatia!
We love Boating in the summers and it's something we love to do because we are "Stuck together"... even the teenage grandchildren love to come with!)
We own a home in St. George where we escape often!
(I'll bet there are other alumni who also have homes there. It would be great to get together down there! Who are you?)
I have decided that being is crummy physically, but mentally and emotionally I love the perspective. Life is good!!!

What did you always want to do (or be) that you haven't done yet?

I always wanted to sing in the Tabernacle choir; but the truth is I think I was lucky Mr. "C" let me into A'cappella and Madrigals.

High School Story/Reflections/Memories:

My brother was Student Body President my Sophomore year. He never was embarrassed about me, his little sister. Always loved him for that.
Pep Club was a blast except for our horse blanket dresses. Decorating players homes before their games, always leaving Rice Krispie treats in the shape of a Ram Horn.
A'cappella and Madrigals were so great! Besides getting out of lots of school, we made great music!
Dance Company was SO fun.
Good friends! I loved High School. Good ole carefree days!

Posted: May 19, 2023 at 4:04 PM